Just 11 days left until the big day but it could be any time now. I have been at home this week resting and trying to walk a lot so that when the big day comes, then things won't be so bad with the labor. Everything is pretty much set for our daughter's arrival but when she wants to come out, only time will tell. I am anxiously waiting for her arrival, but all I can do right now is follow my doctor's advice by walking a lot and drinking lots of water. Minh of course is so excited for her to come out that he's been asking me every day now if she is coming out yet.
This week she is between 19-20 inches long and weighs about 6 1/2 pounds. Last week my doctor mentioned that by the time our baby is going to be delivered, she will weigh approximately 7 pounds and 7 ounces. She said that our baby is a tiny baby, but it's okay because nowadays most babies are born much bigger than that. Supposedly she will be born on the second day of Chinese New Year - Year of the Ox. I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Tomorrow I have another doctor's appointment because as I get closer to my due date I need to see the doctor at least once a week. I will keep you posted on how the appointment goes. So if everything goes according to schedule then I should have my baby by the due date which is January 27.
I'm so nervous and excited. in 11 days, I will become a man, pt. 2. I am going to be her favorite uncle. I've been planning...