The Ox ... hmm ... let's see ... this is what I found online:
"Those born under the influence of the Ox are fortunate to be stable and preserving. The typical Ox is a tolerant person with strong character. Not many people could equal the resolution and fearlessness the Ox exhibits when deciding to accomplish a task or an objective. As we used this great creature long ago to plow the soil day after day, so do Ox people labor through their daily responsibilities either at work or at home without complaint or gripe. Oxen know they will succeed through hard work and sustained effort and find no truth or benefit in concocting get-rich-quick schemes".
Applying this Chinese character to our little muffin, then she should be classified as The Earth Ox:
"The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealing. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it becomes overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends".
In conclusion... this sounds good to me. If (or should I say When) we can raise our little munchkin to be the person described above, I reckon we're happy parents. The widget on the right side tells us we still have 2 days to go. Wow ... 2 days ... that's 48 hours ... 2,880 minutes ... 172,800 seconds. While Anh is The Stoic and patiently waiting, I'm pulling the hair out of my head. I'm probably counting down very slowly in seconds, because these two days are still horrible. But then again, the delivery date is set. If not Tuesday, then Wednesday.
This coming week everybody will get a promotion. The two of us will step up the ladder and become parents. Our father's will be promoted to grandfathers. Cousins and friends will be named aunts and uncles. It's amazing, huh! What a life changing event. Something Anh and I are really looking forward to.
I'm double checking everything. Bags, cameras, batteries, car, gas tank ... basically, everything. I want to make sure we have everything set. And while I'm writing this ... I forgot one thing ... plan a second route, just in case they close the streets or something.
... How do you mean, he's freaking out! :-)
Until the next post :-)
How funny, I happened to have read our horoscopes yesterday, I am a pig and Danny is a monkey..... I was unsure what our newborn would be.